Humorous Tales from the South.
"Joe Taylor is a wonder and a gift to us all, especially to Southern letters. I'm grateful for his generous spirit, for his big hearted writing, and, of course, for his astoudingly beautiful beard."
-Brad Watson,
author of Miss Jane
I’ve had stories published in over 100 literary magazines. Pineapple, A Comic Novel in Verse, has just been published by Sagging Meniscus Press. I have a novel forthcoming next fall from New South Books entitled, The Theoretics of Love. A previous novel of mine, Oldcat & Ms. Puss: A Book of Days for You and Me, was published several years ago by the now defunct Black Belt Press, and it was reviewed in Publishers Weekly. I have three story collections published, and I’ve edited several anthologies, notably, Belles’ Letters: Contemporary Fiction by Alabama Women and Tartts One through Five. I recently published a novel with the imposing title, Let There Be Lite, OR, How I Came To Know and Love Godel’s Incompleteness Proof.
Joe Taylor
100 N Washington St.
University of West Alabama Station 22
Livingston, Alabama 35470